When it comes to company security and privacy, nothing is too much or too little. Intellectual property is something every business guards against third parties. But with the creation of integrated phone cameras, how exactly can you guarantee the privacy of your business property and operations?
This is the exact problem that the PICpatch Label is trying to solve. The first of its kind, this phone camera label was introduced in 2007 and is by far the simplest – yet the most sophisticated solution that companies can have against intellectual theft.
How it Works
PICpatch works by covering the camera of mobile phones, laptops, desktops, or other devices that pose a security risk in your immediate surroundings. The design of the security label is such that it covers both the front and the back camera in one seamless flow.
Features of the PICpatch
Won’t any kind of sticker work just as well? Not really, because PICpatch comes with unique features that make it the ideal security label for phones.
Works With All Kinds of Camera Phones
Camera phones have slight design variations depending on the brand and model of the unit. PICpatch has managed to create different universal patches that work for all kinds of phones – even the newly-released, multiple-lens ones from Samsung and Apple. This guarantees that no matter how varied the phones are in your company, there will always be a PICpatch label that fits it perfectly.
No Residue Upon Removal
Ordinary stickers leave a sticky residue that could stick to a camera lens. With PICpatch, the label boasts of a clean tear-off, ensuring that the camera would function perfectly and clearly once it is ready to do so.
Tamper Evident
Perhaps its most remarkable feature is that the PICpatch labels are tamper-evident labels. This means that if the label is somehow pried open, it would be straightforward to notice. Your security team won’t have any problem figuring out if someone’s phone camera has been used.
Sequential Numbering
For tracking purposes, each security label also comes with sequential numbering. This gives companies the chance to keep track of the labels, how many were used, or even on which phones it was used on.
What It Looks Like?
There are different sizes available. For example, the newest PICpatch 2.0 Smartphone label measures 1.5 by 1.5 by .25 by 8.25 inches and is labeled in sequential numbers, allowing you to keep track of each sticker and the phone it is used on. Each roll of these stickers contains 400 labels, and you can choose from four different colors of red, blue, green, and black.
Why Not Just Confiscate or Inspect the Phones?
Now, some people may wonder – why not just confiscate mobile phones to make sure no one is using it inappropriately within business premises. While this is a low-tech and logical option, the fact is that taking somebody’s phone would cause more problems than it solves. For one thing, mobile phones today are an integral part of a person’s day-to-day life. It contains private information such as email addresses, bank data, and personal images that would make people think twice about handing it to someone else, even for a short period of time. Plus, there could be legal repercussions in confiscating personal property.
There’s also the fact that phones today are costly. Handing over a piece of equipment that’s over several hundred dollars is against every person’s instinct. Inspecting the phone one by one is also not feasible – just imagine the lines it would make as people try to leave all at the same time.
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