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What tools are needed to optimize your website?

Being a website owner, you might encounter loads of challenges while deploying relevant strategies for search engine optimization. Given that optimizing your website is a continuous process, and that Google keeps tweaking its algorithms, SEO experts deploy various tools to optimize sites. Collaborating with a reputed digital marketing company works perfectly, given that the experts ensure a consistently high rank for your site.

For marketers and enterprise owners, plenty of free and paid tools are available for website optimization. A comprehensive approach to website optimization encompasses a multitude of disciplines. A coordinated effort from one of the digital marketing companies covers all the following areas:

  • Copywriting
  • SEO
  • Analytics
  • Competitor analysis
  • Optimizing landing pages
  • Web development
  • UX design

 Best tools to address different areas of search engine optimization

The very purpose of optimizing your website is to make it compelling to humans as well as crawlers. Initially, the approach involves website auditing to detect potential issues. Next, the SEO experts and copywriters collaborate to address these concerns.

  1. Generating website report card

At the outset, SEO experts use auditing tools to get a clear image on the performance of your site. This is a kind of customized report card, where the tools consider different parameters to generate a report. These parameters may include:

  • Keywords
  • Security
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Site description
  • Social presence
  • Other elements of SEO

Tools:  In this context, you might use the free SEM Rush version or, the WebSite Grader offered by HubSpot.

  1. Mobile-friendliness

You must be knowing that the mobile-first indexing approach of Google is already in place. Under this mechanism, the mobile pages of your website primarily get indexed and ranked. Therefore, you need to execute the mobile usability test for your website. Presently, more than half the internet users access websites from mobile devices. Therefore, ensuring mobile-usability for your website ensures higher exposure and conversions.

Tools: Simply use the Mobile Friendliness Test on Google to optimize your website for the search engine.

  1. Page speed

Nobody loves a slow website to mess up with their browsing experiences. Remember, a loading time exceeding 5 seconds may result in as much as 38% bounce rate. Therefore, search engine optimization involves the use of certain tools to check the page loading time. Apart from the inferior user experience, slow websites fail to achieve impressive ranks on Google.

Tools: Google’s Page Speed Insights, Pingdom, and GTmetrix can prove handy in determining page speed.

  1. SEO Audit

SEO audit encompasses several complex tasks, including research on your competitor’s website for keywords. Besides, the process involves data collection on website authority and domain age. SEO audit also includes related tasks like locating your competitor’s social media accounts and their respective rankings on SERPs. Moreover, you need to detect possible optimization flaws on your website. In this context, you will come across several tools, that can prove beneficial.

Tools: Quicksprout Website Analyzer, Screaming Frog, and BuzzStream are some of the useful tools for SEO auditing.

  1. Local SEO tools

In case you are trying to optimize your local business, make sure to use tools for localized searches. This ensures that potential customers would be able to find you. When you use one of these tools, simply enter the business name into the software. It would track the local presence of your business in search engines, accurately checking the listings. Eventually, you would obtain a local listing score.

Tools: Try out Moz Local’s Check Listing tool for strengthening your local SEO.

Seek professional search engine optimization services

It’s natural that most of the forward-thinking businesses are partnering with established digital marketing companies for search engine optimization services. Apart from the tools mentioned above, you need to use premium software for checking duplicate content, keyword analysis, link building, and other activities. Considering the value of professionalism and cost-efficiency, it’s logical to hire SEO experts.

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